CloseLietuvos Respublikos baudžiamojo kodekso 7, 8, 27, 60, 95, 97, 151, 151-1, 153, 162, 307, 308, 309 straipsnių ir priedo pakeitimo ir Kodekso papildymo 100-1, 100-2, 152-1, 251-1 straipsniais
Type:LawEnactment date:Mar 13, 2014Valid summary:None
Registration details: Mar 24, 2014 No. 2014-03404 Number provided by the institution:XII-776Consolidated version:None
Mar 25, 2014Enters into Force
Mar 24, 2014Paskelbta TAR
Mar 13, 2014Priimtas teisės aktas
Valid from Mar 25, 2014
Enacted by:Lietuvos Respublikos Seimas
Draft amendments:None
Ex post assessment:NonePublished:TAR, Mar 24, 2014, No. 3404
Eurovoc terminology:
penal code
criminal law
legal code
1216 criminal law
1206 sources and branches of the law
Connection to EU law:None
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Official text of legal act